The original photographic series, Visible Girls by Anita Corbin portrayed the search for identity; the street-level self that was part of a tribe bonded by music, fashion and politics.
36 years later, Corbin’s Visible Girls: Revisited has called those original Girls back together, viewing those changed women through a modern lens. MORE >
This compelling, photographic exhibition comprises both the ‘then’ and ‘now’ portraits
and has been seen by nearly 30,000 visitors across the UK since 2017.
14 new portraits of ‘found girls’ have been added to the show since the tour began.
Find out more by clicking on the tour stops below:
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I have a copy of that original photograph and it is a constant reminder of the best of times and the worst of times.
Punk provided a sense of belonging. It was like an escape.
When something is such a big part of your formative years, you never really shake it off, despite …how old you get.
I think I put myself on the fringes because it was the safest thing to do.
The Missing Girls
This is a growing exhibition! The search continues for those original Visible Girls as yet unfound. Their portraits will inform the walls and the next phases of the show.
If you are a Visible Girl reading this – or think you know a Visible Girl please get in touch by emailing us.
Meet the girls behind Visible Girls:Revisited – the creative force at the heart of the project and exhibition. MORE >
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